Wednesday, June 19

Project Life Week 23

This week I went digital!!! 

I was inspired to do so since I had a blast using the app A Beautiful Mess.  I added some hand written journaling cards, but honestly, I loathe my hand writing.  


This week I started my summer break and highlighted that on my left side page.  I have worked in the school district for about four years now.  I started as a sub, in the 2011/12 school year I was hired on in a short term position (meaning - ends at the end of school year) and again for the 2012/13 session.  Well, at the end of this year I was rehired in a probationary/permanent position.  I am very excited and scared at the same time, but I have faith that I am being led in the right path.

One of my many goal this summer is to introduce some new life skills to my lil'man.  I picked cooking. To be honest, I picked this because Nolan is eating me out of house and home, and every time he wants something to eat he's asking me to make it for him.  We started with making brownies, and as you can see, licking the beaters was his favorite part of the process.

Finally, I had to add the adorable picture text that I received from my kiddos when they didn't get Starbucks and I did.


I have three places that I am truly most happy and of course my scrap space tops the list, but cooking in the kitchen and working in the yard aren't far behind. Well, you cant have a beautiful summer with a yard that the winter ravaged.  I spent my first day of my summer break cleaning up the yard, only to realize that some major replanting had to be done.  Beautifying the yard is another project that I will be accomplishing this summer.

There is no better way to end the week than relaxing in the pool with my family and eating BBQ!!!

All of the journal cards are from Studio Calico Project life kits; Planetarium, Halley's Comet and from the Big Screen add on kit and March digital printable.


  1. Cute blog! Love your pl pages! Love the writing on the photos! I'm so scared to go digitals but do want to try it!

    1. Thank you Jossie!!! Don't be scared to go digital, it is so much fun. All of the neat thing you can do with it is endless. I am happy to help you in anyway I can to get you on the road to digital, and if you like both (like me) you will have even more fun scrapping. We can swap information, because I am still trudging through the workings of a blog and I know that you have had one a lot longer than I have.
